Riza Kadilar
Speech Time: 09:15 AM

Riza Kadilar President of European Mentoring and Coaching Council

Dr. Riza Kadilar is the global president of European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

He is a PhD in Economics. After a BSc degree at METU in Industrial Engineering, he has obtained his MSc degree at Stanford University, and completed his MBA at HEC, Paris and an executive management course at INSEAD.

His past professional career includes senior level bank management experience in France, UK, Netherlands and Turkey. Since 2006 he is the senior country manager and representative of a NATIXIS in Turkey. Before that he served as a Deputy CEO of a London based bank (plc), and also assumed some non-executive board membership roles in some listed companies.

Besides teaching at Boğaziçi University as a visiting professor, he is the chairman of English Speaking Union Turkey, chairman of China Institute Turkey (CITAM), scientific committee member at Institut du Bosphore (TUSIAD) and board member at Hisar Education Foundation (HEV).

He is the author of five published books on China, carbon trading, executive coaching, mentoring and facilitation. He is also an editorial board member of “GTR: Global Trade Review”, a London based leading trade finance magazine, and he writes regularly at Bloomberg Businessweek Turkey.


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